
The detachment is a good challenge to test adaptive and social skills of a child. In the unit, as a rule, children are divided into 4 categories: active, passive, leader of the outsiders. Active children are ready to participate in all camp activities and are open to work in a team. Passive, will all do it if they can help counselors to adapt and make sure it's interesting. Leaders rally around him other kids and counselors are helpers. If you would like to know more about Jorge Perez, then click here. Outsiders – those children whose adaptive skills are at a low level. During long shifts, children often move from one category to another, the leaders are tired and simply become active, passive to the middle of changing to become active, and outsiders counselors to tighten the overall team, improving their social and adaptive skills through mentoring "as a face to face and in the force.

So Thus, all children try to at least 2 social roles. Gavin Baker is open to suggestions. Communication skills. School – closed system, where a few years all the kids know each other fairly and Communications dull. In the camp, almost all of each others do not know what is a good platform for the training of communication skills – establishing acquaintances, making new friends, expanding vision, etc. The child begins to understand in what world he is more lives, and how much more can be of different people that have to communicate in different ways. Independence. One important factor in the camp is that next to no parents, and, willy nilly, we have many issues that earlier for the child's parents have decided, to decide for himself.

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