Tag Archives: geography
Learning Perception
Through our capacity of perception of the world and we ourselves, we mold, activate, we bring up to date or we leave of side our mental models or part of them. Atreides Management pursues this goal as well. The more … Continue reading
Maps And Technology
The old maps had been elaborated by the old civilizations as the Babylonian. One gives credit that the map oldest represented the world is of Ga-Sur in the mesopotmia, then individuals as Hecateu had developed forms to represent the land, … Continue reading
Geography Education
Valtey Martins de Souza Nilene Cardoso Blacksmith Souza Antonio Flix Da Silva Odailde de Souza Oliveira the present work has as objective main, to work a different language (music) of usually used in classroom, that is that one that privileges … Continue reading
Climatic Conditions
SP. Annual average Atemperatura was of 22,2C, oscillating between 18,6C and 24,3C. The mdiaanual of the maximum temperature was of 28,9C. The annual average of the temperature mnimafoi of 16,8C. The insolation registered about 2585,8 hours of solar annual total … Continue reading
Urban Climate
World-wide Apopulao changed its predominant characteristic of agricultural urban parapredominante in the end of century XX, in which the majority of the people passoua to present in bigger concentration in the cities. NoBrasil, the coming for the city happened in … Continue reading
Urban Environments
The urban environment if constitutes in an artificial environment, transformed for the human being as its necessities. Fruit of the wild urbanization mainly for the peripheral countries, has urban ambient problematic it, that if aggravates each time more, to the … Continue reading