Tag Archives: History
Family And Friends
Our lives are influenced mainly by the family, work and our circle of friends. The family is the key to develop our personality. There is a set of values that are those flow relationships with our parents, children, siblings and … Continue reading
State University
231. Rogrio Forastieri was born in So Paulo SP, it is graduated Social Sciences for the USP, and carried through its Mestrado and Doutorado in Social History for the USP. He was professor of the State University of So Paulo … Continue reading
Facts occurred with people who had contracted hansenase in different decades in the State of Par. Therefore, many isolated ones in always distant Public institutions of the city and are of measured the social and familiar scope that was justified … Continue reading
Brazilian Academy
From 1982 it passed if to call Quarter the Communications. 1986 (New Quarter Hope) 9 great Quarter the full one of 1986 contributed for the magnifying of the city of Tabatinga, that culminated in the formation of the New Quarter … Continue reading
Kremenchug Medical Association
In 1898, the initiative in Kremenchug Kremenchug Medical Association creates a community of Sisters of Charity of the Red Cross. Its activities are based on private charity. The membership fee was 5 rubles. As of 01/01/1912, in the ranks of … Continue reading
Macfarlane English
For the economic side, the logic of a familiar standard only for an ample region it would not have felt. Soon from the decade of 1960, the family was for the clarifying center of the population behavior. As Wrigley and … Continue reading
Cortez Publishing
In this direction, it is not only the relation of the pupils with the knowledge that if of the one in inadequate way, but also the relation professional them of the school with these materials, would have to involve the … Continue reading
Physical Homesickness Symptoms
I remember with homesicknesses of that one our love was pretty as the flower of the field! Our life was joy happinesses and courtesy people smiles without fear or shame of being happy! We played in the done park grown … Continue reading