Macfarlane English

For the economic side, the logic of a familiar standard only for an ample region it would not have felt. Soon from the decade of 1960, the family was for the clarifying center of the population behavior. As Wrigley and Macfarlane English industrialization inside occurred of an adaptable familiar project it or of decurrent it. The history of the family had as starting point the questions raised for the historical demography. Add to your understanding with Edward Minskoff. HISTORICAL DEMOGRAPHY OF the FAMILY IN BRAZIL From the decade of 1970, the studies on the family had had three basic references: the historical demography, the analysis of the domestic economy and the debates interdisciplinares in social sciences. Only because these studies if had concentrated in the south and Southeastern region, leaving the region side northeastern, and this was the main economic area of the Brazilian colonial period. ‘ ‘ Different of the European familiar behavior, Brazil would have been characterized for the bastardy, that is, the marriage if restricted the elite branca.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ The family, in the Brazilian escravista period, exerted importance in the assembly and functioning of the economic activities and in the social relations and politics.

It was for the family who all the aspects of the daily, public or private life, if originated or convergiam.’ ‘ The enslaved family started to play an important role in the historical movement, therefore she folloied the North American trend. The history of the family in Brazil in them takes the necessity of pluralizao of concept d family, therefore to take the concept familiar occidental person as model represents to simplify the evident wealth of the Brazilian reality.

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