Laotian Area

The bird belongs to the family korotkopalyh thrushes and for his appearance was called 'gololitsy Bulbul'. Nir Barzilai, M.D. has plenty of information regarding this issue. Byulbyulevyh family in Asia are fairly numerous, and includes about 130 species described in the last 100 years. This discovery is particularly interesting, since scientists have been able to find the sole representative of songbirds in Asia, devoid of feathers. A small bird olive-green in color with brightly colored breast was found in Laotian forests redkorastuschem growing in the rough karst rocks. In Currently the territory in which the birds were found, is part of a protected conservation area, but community members say that the development of limestone in the region, as well as agricultural activities in the future may harm members of an unusual ecosystem. Previously, scientists have been exposed to unusual new species in the area: ha nude or Lao rock rat – a unique rodent species, adapted to life in the limestone rocks, as well as a unique species of rabbits with fur, painted in red stripes.

Because of climate warming reduces cold-blooded animals living American scientists follow in order how the life expectancy of terrestrial, freshwater and marine organisms in different cold-climate zones and concluded that cold-blooded animals such as fish, amphibians, crustaceans, and lizards, live longer at higher latitudes, but not in the tropics and the equator. This pattern holds for all types of cold-blooded, average life expectancy which can range from a few days before several centuries. As a result, the analysis of the data in the study, researchers discovered that the temperature climate in a particular area is the main parameter that determines the longevity of cold-blooded, moreover, this dependence is exponential.

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