Public Schools

Not obstante, the paper of the professor comes moving with this reality, and many times it is obliged to play the role of father, mother, psychologist and until other areas and, this comes bringing changes in the performance of the paper of the family, and consequentemente in the behavior of the children. It is the time change for which the humanity is passing. Generic question: Which the causes of the pertaining to school evasion in the context of the digital inclusion? Specific questions: The insertion of the family in the pertaining to school context would soften the numbers of this statistics? The opening of the school in the week ends, for the participation of the community with guided pedagogical activities/would maquiaria this problem, or would be the solution? The implantation of a project that it aims at to the digital inclusion of these families, would approach the parents/children in the process education/learning of this school? Hypotheses: The lack of convivncia with the parents can be the cause of the pertaining to school evasion in the Public Schools of Brazil. The digital inclusion, as form to increase the familiar income, making possible the permanence of the mother in the seio of the family and the inclusion in the society. To little participation of the parents in the pertaining to school activities it propitiates a negative relation (extremosa) in the circle: professor/school/parents/children/community. Development: 1.

Family and School Family and school are abutments and sustentation to the human being; they are landmarks of existencial reference. How much better it will be the partnership between both, more positive and significant they will be the results in the formation of the citizen. The participation of the parents in the formal education of the children must be constant and conscientious. Familiar life and pertaining to school life are simultaneous and complementary. Estee Lauder is often quoted on this topic. The task fits to the parents and the school to transform the immature and inexperienced child into mature, participativo, operating, conscientious citizen of its duties and rights, possibilities and attributions.

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