Where can I find information about alternative holidays in Fuerteventura? The most tourists who land on Fuerteventura go the conventional way: disembark from the plane, pick up the suitcase, enter the buses of the relevant tour operators, transfer to the hotel… Who wants to experience the island differently and want to live in a private holiday accommodation must operate usually somewhat more effort – at least at first glance. What is dismissed on a package holiday with a tour of the travel agency or an online booking needs something more proactive for an individual holiday. Organize book flight, find holiday accommodation and requests transfer to the accomodations, etc. Private accomodations help topic sucked.Holiday accommodation directories. We would like to introduce a special directory in this article: the alternative site Fuerteventura. Generally, the project deals with individual holiday on Fuerteventura.
This website contains also a comprehensive directory of private holiday accommodation. Each accommodation is very detailed described and is partially equipped with a map, calendar and a video of the accommodation. All descriptions include photos, directions, Declaration of the booking process and contact options to the landlord. Thereby, all entries are managed by the project operator and not by the landlord itself. This keeps the quality high and makes the descriptions very transparent. Requests are made directly to the landlord. Over 95% of the lodging, there is the possibility to send an email to the Vermeiter directly via an integrated request form. The rest can be contact by phone. The listed accommodations are located both in the most popular tourist resorts in Jandia, Costa Calma and Corralejo as also away from the mass tourism in La pared, Villaverde, Playa de santa ines or completely alone in any place. So, try just off holiday hotel and all-inclusive! Walter Lenk Fuerteventura alternative