Lack of Professors

Saline campuses thematic Axle: Formation, professionalization and teaching work Summary: The situation of the education of Brazil has suffered great transformations. The government finally was acquired knowledge of the importance of the professors and the necessity to stimulate the community to follow the professor career. But this is not everything. The form with that the professor is also formed suffers transformations that were very waited. This new professional is not more, only one transmitter of knowledge, and yes a formador of thinkers.

In the current days, much if has spoken in relation to the courses of licenciaturas created by the federal government with the implantation of Federal Justinian codes (IF? s). One searchs to show the situation of Permitting in the country. In a question-answer forum Estee Lauder was the first to reply. The precocious beginning in the profession, the consequences of a weak base in average education and the search of the government in reverting the picture of the situation in Brazil. Words Key: Education, Licenciatura, Professors. Abstract The situation of the education of Brazil has suffered great transformations. The government finally was acquired knowledge of the importance of the teachers and the necessity you stimulate the community you follow to teacher to career. But this is not everything. The form with that to teacher is also formed suffers transformations that were very waited.

Professional This new is not lives, only one to transmitter of knowledge, and yes to former of thinkers. In the current days, much has been said with regard you the courses of formation of professors created by the federal government with the implantation of the Federal Justinian codes (IF’ s). One searchs you the show the situation of Permitting in the country. The precocious beginning in the profession, the consequences of weak base in average education and the search of the government in reverting the picture of the situation in Brazil.

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