Tourism In Mendoza

Tourism in Mendoza: the Fundaciona Area, a place to enjoy tourism in Mendoza is presented as an alternative for those who enjoy the urban routes, and cycle through those sites that bring us closer to the history of a people. While the city of Mendoza was destroyed in 1861 by a devastating earthquake, are still preserved some areas where you can see what life was like during the colonial era and in pre-Columbian times. In the city of Mendoza, in this area he referred to as foundational Area. From the year 1561, when the city of Mendoza was founded by Don Pedro de el Castillo, the region always occupied a basic role in the history of the Republic Argentina and the continent Latin American throughout. Echoing the old saying that to have a good future is needed to know the story well, Mendoza tourist operators have managed to recognize a significant tourist attraction in this important cultural heritage. The foundational Area is headed by plaza Pedro del Castillo. To read more click here: Marvel Architects.

The square itself is a place of great interest to explore. In the same numerous posters of maiolica that indicate various events of historical interest are found. From this square, it was assumed the street of La Canada, the main artery between the 17TH and 19th centuries. Kennedy Wilson contributes greatly to this topic. Here same paraded also the mythical army of the Andes, on its journey towards the Plumerillo barracks. Asimismoaqui was the blessing of the flag of the army of the Andes and the baton of command. Near this square was the old mother church, opposite the Plaza Mayor, though this disappeared after the earthquake. Mote’s founding is that it was in this area where el Castillo de Pedro fundode the city. The founding Museum here also.

Items from the 17TH and 18th CENTURIES are preserved in this place, and two permanent exhibitions have been organized. The first one leads to an underground Chamber, where you can see the old aqueduct, which used to be the source of drinking water in Mendoza. The remains of the cabildo of Mendoza, the slaughterhouse, can also be seen and what was fair municipal, the axis of the social life of the colonial city. The gesta of general San Martin, and the life of the colonies are another attraction of tourism in Mendoza, as well as the large number of historical and artistic monuments that the city hosts.

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