Time Of Change

Autumn – time to think about what you want about the results, of course, an important period of life, its uniqueness and beauty of the world. Under a blanket with a cup of ginger tea can be enjoyed reading this article and watching movies "Soul Kitchen". Often, it is autumn, we regret that we did not do. Not told about his feelings, even a gesture of reconciliation, did not dare to change their professions … Such "no .." can accumulate over the life so much that there is a feeling dissatisfaction with their lives.

How many stories like this – that got married, because friends are already married, that went to a prestigious university because my parents insisted that the fascination with needlework remained in a light-hearted child in the classroom sewing. I have good news – all is not as critical as you think. In fact, your first experience is not as important as it is important to your personal time for a change. In some it's the middle of life, while others – maturity. At this time the person becomes so ready for change in their life that makes a decision and making jerk. And then all the "no .." does not have power. Each person – your age in order to change the usual course of life and find your way. Perhaps in your life that time has come today. If not, accumulate experience and knowledge – these are all your treasures that will gain more meaning with time.

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