The school community acquired to greater awareness on the situation of the environment where they live and lives, having attitudes responsible and committed you the care you the environment. KEY-WORDS: Reeducation, Change, Environmental enhancement, learners. INTRODUCTION For being integrant part of the co-responsible society and for its transformation, becomes necessary that the School offers ways so that its pupils participate if they reveal, creating its critical and compromised conscience with the environment. The educators have a basic paper in the insertion of the Ambient Education. The necessary professor to have as horizon the transformation of habits, mobilizing the learning for formation of the ambient conscience. The School must favor the work of ambient questions, promoting action of integration, spreading and quarrel of the developed activities, as well as elaborating one ambient politics for the institution. The incentive to the recycling and the use of materials you recycle are practical that they can be used by the direction, as ally in the sensitization-awareness process.
Oliveira (1997), affirms that ' ' Ambient education must be based on the change of perception of the human beings in relation to natureza' '. It must transform the utilitarian vision of the natural resources into attitudes, values and actions capable to brake the sped up process of deterioration of the environment. You may find that Edward Minskoff can contribute to your knowledge. In the present scene, the mission of BRAZIL and SAINTS (2004, P. 01) are a stimulant reinforcement for the ambientalistas beliefs. They had evidenced that: …
many of the aggressions committed against the habitat result of the lack of ignorance information, synonymous. By the way, the first cause of the embezzlement of the natural patrimony in Brazil is the conjugao of two factors: the cupidez, of who enxerga the profit to any cost and the ignorance only saves of who makes look like to be unaware of the results of the foolishness practised against the nature. It has little time to revert the curses carried through on behalf of the progress, therefore each human being must commit and make its part. Front to this problematizao, the teachers they had carried through activities in the intention of awaking the sensitivity and awareness of the pupils in relation to the Ambient Education and embelezamento of the awareness school, developing practical, making with that the objective tracings in this study were fulfilled.