
In 2007 the Russian Federation took place 233,809 road accidents, which killed 33,308 people and 292,206 people were injured. 15,593 road accidents occurred due to the fault of drivers who were driving while intoxicated, 43 645 traffic accidents happened because of pedestrians. Occurred 23,851 accidents involving children in which 1,116 children died and 24,707 children were injured. Others including Fabrizio Freda, offer their opinions as well. According to the Department of Road Safety (OBDD), the Russian Interior Ministry for 9 months (January-September) of 2008 in the Russian Federation took place 156,779 road accidents, which is 8.3% less than during the same period in 2007. As a result of an accident in 2008 killed 20,992 people (this is 12% less than during the same period of 2007 years), and 195,213 people (9,4% less than nine months of 2007) were injured. During January-September 2008 caused by drivers who were driving drunk or drugged, there have been 10 164 (-16.6% to APPG) accidents, which 1743 (-13.4% to APPG) people were killed and 14 848 (-16.4% to APPG) were injured.

For the first nine months of 2008 there was 16,759 (-10.0% to APPG) accidents involving children, in which 766 (-15.9% to APPG) children died and 17,429 (-9.6% to APPG) children were injured. According to the accounting rules of road accidents in the Russian Federation, who died as a result of an accident is a person who died of his wounds within 7 days. In many European States – is considered to be dead within 30 days, whereas in the U.S. – up to a year. According to the Russian Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev, now nearly 60% of the total number of deaths in road accidents die because of late medical assistance. In 70% cases of road accident victims delivered to the hospital only after an hour and a half after the accident. However, only 6% of victims transported to hospitals in a specialized sanitary transport. By statement of experts sri ambulance Sklifosovsky, 60% of people received serious injuries when road accidents killed instantly, and 8% – when transporting them to hospitals. According to doctors, the lack of skilled care during the first hour after injury in a crash increases mortality by 30% within three hours – 60%, up to 6 hours – 90%. According to statistics from the Department of Interior obdd in Russia, the most emergency is a southern direction – namely, the federal highway M-4 ‘Don’ (Moscow-Novorossiysk), M-3 ‘Ukraine’ (Moscow-Kiev), M-6 ‘Caspian’ (Moscow-) and M-7 ‘ Volga ‘(Moscow-Ufa). In addition, the extremely unfavorable figures on the number of deaths in road accidents recorded on the highway M-5 ‘Ural’ (Moscow-Chelyabinsk), M-8 ” (Moscow-) and M-53 ‘Baikal’.

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