State Construction Committee

Company gealan in largely contributed to the fact that the windows of pvc profile with color co-extruded acrylic surface became popular not only in the northern and western regions, but also worldwide. Prices for pvc windows are often the determining factor when choosing a material for the production of plastic windows. Currently, this trend is changing in favor of the optimal ratio of quality pvc plastic windows and the price of their manufacture and installation. Estee Lauder gathered all the information. Reputation pvc plastic windows gealan, as a quality product, is widely known. Company gealan certificate holder the highest international standard din en iso 9001, which applies to pvc windows. Fenster Systeme was the first manufacturer of window profiles, to obtain environmental certification of conformity to the pvc plastic windows.

The German firm gealan one of the first received a certificate of State Construction Committee of Russia on pvc windows, conformity certificate, health certificate and fire certificate. Moreover, the firm gealan participated in the development of new Russian guests pvc windows. gost 30973 2002, which applies to new windows: "Profiles of polyvinylchloride (PVC) for windows and doors. "Method determination of resistance to climatic influences and assessment of durability of plastic windows. gost 30971 2002 "Stitches assembly sites contiguity window units to wall openings." So what is the difference between pvc window Gealan of other plastic windows, and why these pvc windows are by far the best? We will try to answer these questions: windows P.V.H. Gealan this is the original profile system, developed in Germany; mounting width of plastic windows p.v.h. is 62 mm in threechamber profiles (the competition for the production of plastic windows in the main 58 mm), and 74 mm in the five-chamber profiles, pvc plastic windows (the rivals window manufacturers pvc 70 mm).

What are the benefits plastic windows make the seemingly insignificant 4 mm in width profile? This allows the pvc plastic windows with glass of 33 mm in threechamber profiles of plastic windows and 44 mm in the five-chamber profiles, which in turn turn significantly improves the thermal insulation characteristics of design of plastic windows. It is known that the best insulator is air, and the wider the window profile and windows, the better the pvc plastic windows keeping you warm in the room. Significantly improves sound insulation design pvc plastic windows due to the width of the profile. Increases static (strength) design plastic window. Increases the strength of the weld in corners of the plastic window frames and sash. This makes it possible to install heavy armored windows in new windows up to 350 kg. And if very briefly to answer the question, what is the difference of pvc plastic windows from Geolan other plastic windows, we can say that pvc plastic windows Geolan set of elite German profile, reliable and quality, such as luxury car business class. If you are unsure of what the profile you'd better order the installation of pvc plastic windows, then ask yourself the question: "How many years I set the pvc plastic windows in their favorite apartment or a house?". And we are sure that you choose to install pvc windows and make gealan Your choice for quality, reliability, durability and prestige of pvc plastic windows Gealan. pvc windows are the eyes of your home.

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