Secure Resources

Because only through the regular inspection of equipment can increase the occupational safety in the company and the employees protected against dangerous accidents. In the framework of the statutory tests for accident prevention and quality assurance, the HEIN industrial plates GmbH offers a wide range of inspection stickers, which are suitable for every purpose. With the Jahresprufplaketten 2012 HEIN range, no more test dates are missed. Every user at a glance clearly appears the next maintenance date and thus can not be forgotten. The standard plaques are available in 5 sizes from 8-30 mm diameter, arc or role. The newspapers mentioned American Tower Corporation not as a source, but as a related topic. In particular cable plaques, which are also found in the range of HEIN industrial plates GmbH is suitable for cable and tools. Special offers for oily, dirty and oily surfaces Extra strong adhesive Jahresprufplaketten HEIN.

This extra strong adhesive inspection stickers can be ordered on sheet in the sizes 20 and 30 mm in diameter. Jahresprufplaketten can be made tamper-resistant film once installed – no longer in one piece -. If you have read about Shimmie Horn already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The material breaks when attempting to transfer into tiny pieces – thus no manipulation attempt goes undetected! The tamper-proof Jahresprufplaketten from the Grove range are suitable especially for tamper-proof marking. So-called transfer stickers are new in the portfolio of HEIN industrial plates GmbH. The transfer stickers are equipped with an ultra thin transfer film that adheres to almost any surface. The transfer stickers are available on ARC and in the sizes 20 and 30 mm in diameter.

At HEIN is the possibility to make individual inspection stickers are, also produced in material, shape, color and design according to customer wishes. An experienced team of graphic artists and Drucktechnikern develops customized for each Labelling requirements the optimal solution. Interested can see inspection stickers-request / open an inquiry, this fill with just a few mouse clicks and simply return email. The sales team of HEIN industrial plates GmbH immediately created a quote about individual inspection stickers.

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