Peruvian Consul

On July 13 of this year, in the official journal El Peruano, left Supreme resolution 288-2010-RE appointing Dr. Jorge Eduardo Arrese Estrada, Peruvian Consul in Belgium, such nomination, as expected I am filled with joy and memories. They came to my mind, memories still fresh over the years of the 1970s, when thousands of very young students all, started to look at the faces in the old courtyard of letters in the place where today operates the College minor seminary, in the first blocks of the Jr. Gamarra, we were trapped in the educational experiment called general surveys that did not work and the military Government did not know what to do. One of those faces was that of Coquito Arrese, high, white, crespo, with accent piurano, Pulcher in talk, good manners, good speaker and scholar of course, contrary to the reigning (warlike, vehement) times until bold profile.

In the maelstrom of student struggles, we did very good friends, frequenting, study circles, speaking before crowds, on patios, classrooms and streets, fighting the lead into the interior of the unforgettable student revolutionary vanguard, competing every inch of the school of oratory of the remembered Professor Gonzales Villaverde in originating in the CEPUNT workshops, share and alternating maximum charges of the student movement, with a FOB delivery, service, public good, undeniable spirit without anything in return more than the satisfaction of having helped the neighbor, as he continued to do so then later as Medical Director de La Cruz Roja at a national level, in the unforgettable days of care to thousands and thousands of people during the visit of the Pope Juan Pablo II sudden Santo! In 1985. Featured member of the historical 16th promotion of medicine, coquito Arrese today has been appointed CONSUL PERUANO in Belgium, which is a prize for its fruitful work of Ambassador of Peru in many countries of the world, as dermatologist Histo pathologist of the University and Hospital of the Biere in Belgium, enthusiastic promoter of many conventions of such University with universities Peruanas as the Cayetano Heredia, San Marcos, his beloved UNT, among others, has invited and led to many Peruvian doctors Belgium to do courses, masters, post grades, with that same spirit of service, with these open hands and those outstretched arms that characterized that elite of college leaders, today the most forgotten. No doubt Dr. Jorge Arrese Estrada, it will exercise this position, with the decency that always accompanied him on his life as a professional and as a leader, such nomination honored and proud to XVI promotion of medicine and the Faculty of Medicine of the UNT.

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