English Voice

A Bin Laden for the egpicos would be considered. A perpetual enemy, but to invz of its body to be played to the sea, would be destroyed vagarosamente by the fire. Its leached ashes would be embedded in some remote place in a great egipcio desert and would remain perpetual illegal there. When arriving close to sarcfago, the man if kneel, if supporting with the hands on of the cover. He goes lowering its head to the few, as that he prepared himself to make a type of prayer. It Would have to be ' ' great chefe' '. A species of sarcedote.

Duly chosen a chaste one selected of generations of Egyptian priests enters. Later prepared per years to be able to have the honor to touch sacred sarcfago of the great god. Migrantino starts to hear come sussuros of its mouth (and that mouth, but seemed a cave). For its luck, it did not understand one word alone. But that voice, or suggestion, if puted in charge to translate, making a simultaneous translation: ' ' Oh great onipotente Tutankamon god! We allow that its sacred dwelling permanessesse here so that the world could know to it. But cursed either the mortal who to profane to it, touching its sarcfago with its impure hands.

Better it would be for it, if it had not come to this mundo.' '. (it did not understand was because that this voice never translates the English who it in such a way needed, that probably he would be well more easy). It still of closed eyes, dissimulated that he did not listen to that translation. he had placed not only its hands, but all its literally impure body. Therefore when he made the cleanness, he costumava to always use the same uniform some days and still superficially he was of boots. Its will was to open that and to leave running, finishing soon with that suffering.

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