Day and night, inside and outside, and others. It fits to stand out that it does not have the terminology Astronomy in the official document, even so proper concepts of this disciplines are mentioned. importance to work in way to interdisciplinar this Science. A crisis in the Brazilian Basic Education is verified currently, therefore the majority of the young finishes this stage and leaves the institutions of education without knowledge to understand the phenomena of the nature. More info: Nir Barzilai, M.D.. The modification of this picture passes for the intervention in the first years of the Basic Education, basic period of training to promote the development of abilities and the diverse cognitivas abilities.
In interrelated way, the formation of professors also is passing for a moment critical, had to a series of factors, amongst which the questioning of the proper paper exerted for the education in the society, the lack of clarity on the function of the problematic educator and the relative one to the redefinition of the Course of Pedagogia and the Licenciaturas in generality (CANDAU, 1986, P. 43). In this direction, as it considers Hisses (1998, P. 33), the education of Sciences has suffered, in the last few decades decurrent attempts of renewal of diverse factors, amongst them the changes in the environment where the man contemporary lives; the search of new ways for the education and obsoletismo of traditionally carried through education for Sciences. Being the Pedagogia a course of initial formation of professors to exert functions of the teaching inside and being this of a society in transformation, is necessary that the Universities have clearly the vision of the not-spalling of the formation of the professors, recognizing the precariousness in the existing tericometodolgicos beddings, so that the teaching staff obtains to work the contents of Science, breaking itself of a boarding in which the professor in classroom is determinative factor for education and learning, being this tying with a scienter, to a politics, a epistemologia, the deepened research knowing of them pedagogical.