Kindergarten Study

The first vintage of in-service study for professionals and executives in the pre-school education of children hoarding, nurseries and Kindergarten or in the home education and youth work part-time started studying at the Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin In the spring of 2013. The 36-month Bachelor’s degree was developed by the Academy of public administration and law, an Institute of the State-approved private Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin, together with various colleges for the training of kindergarten teachers and the Ministry of youth, education and sport of the State of Brandenburg. The application period for the second round starting on April 3rd ends on January 31. Applications are still accepted. The study in small groups includes a total of 86 seminar days and monthly seminar weekend, i.e. students and employers benefit from little absence from the workplace and flexible learning. Through pretrial technical school studying can be shortened by up to a year depending on the individual Entry requirements. In processing a practice project, the added value of study both for the students as well as the establishment or the carrier consists of everyday working life.

A practical question is researched using a mentor from the University and implemented by the students in the workplace. The Scientific Director, Professor Dr. Barbel Held, explains the offer: there is a scientifically-based and practice-oriented training, with the challenges of social work management combines the study of the social education and offers the possibility to meet new business challenges. The students acquire the necessary skills and learn to work independently and well organized, and to assume responsibility. You bring innovative expertise in their area of effect.” For further information you can via the website and by phone at 030 / 814698-50 or receive by email at.

The Steinbeis-Hochschule (SHB) is one of the biggest closet approved private universities of in Germany with approximately 6,200 registered students in over 100 institutions. Since 1998, it offers practical courses with the internationally recognized academic degrees of Bachelor, master and doctorate. The courses at the Academy of public administration and law includes various courses for the public administration, as well as for educators and legal advisor. Press contact: Ramona Ann Tel.

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