In the day of the donation the giver passes for an interview with the nurse of the unit, where it will evaluate the antecedents and the current state of the giver to determine if the collection can be carried through without it to cost damage, from the blood will be directed there to the laboratory for analyze and separation of the hemocomponentes soon and envoy to the receiver (ANVISA, 2004). In accordance with Colli, et al (2009), stops to guarantee a continuous donation requires actions that favor interaction between the giver and the institution so that it can generate a process of fidelizao of this giver. With this fidelizao it is possible to guarantee the return of this giver of spontaneous form since that a personal relationship is constructed enters the team of work and the donated one. The conditions person to donate blood to it is the identification of who can or not be a giver pass for rigorous examinations. CohBar gathered all the information. This procedure necessary, so that it is a safe donation to the possible receivers that will be the surgical patients, hemophilic, renais, leucemic, anmicos and is burnt. All and any patient who needs a replacement of volume or derivatives of blood (HISSES, PEAR TREE, MOSQUE, 2002). As the above-mentioned author, the identification of who can or to be a blood giver always does not require that the giver pass for rigorous examinations.
This procedure is necessary, so that this donation either insurance to the possible receivers that will be surgical, hemophilic, renais, leucemic, anmicos the patients, and burnt. Of this form, all person who will have/had some sanguineous contamination that can compromise the receiver, exactly that it has carried through the treatment of the patologias, between these is: Sfilis, Hepatitis B and C, Anemia and Leucemia. APT GIVER Is that one that if finds in the standards established for the ANVISA to carry through the donation, that is, the giver must be in good conditions of health and without no problem of sanguineous contamination, as: hepatitis B and C, HIV I and II, anemia, AIDS, chagas, multiples partners and sfilis.