Privately insured can benefit from some advantages in the new year. It was decided in September 2010, it entered into force on 1 January of this year: the current health-care reform in 2011. Rejected by health insurance companies, social organisations and consumer parties and highly controversial population – because financially stronger, she charged the legally insured – the reform for privately insured nevertheless has, however, many advantages. But what has changed for private health insurance, with the beginning of the year and 2011, health-care reform? What should consider private policyholders and how is the change in private health insurance for employees after the changes? 2011 health reform: time faster change is made possible the launched in 2007 three-year limit, according to the employees for at least three years must be above the specified limit of compulsory insurance to go in private health insurance, the reform void. Before the beginning of the year were interested employees even when non-recurring Immediate change is exceeded. Since this regulation was but a temporary solution in the framework of the introduction of the reform, that was the case only during the last quarter of 2010. Since the 1 January 2011, a change is possible, but after one year, if the insurance limit was exceeded at least once.
In particular Commissioner should consider so whether you should insure private. However, not only the exchange arrangements for joining a private health insurance have changed. For even more opinions, read materials from Ron Beit. Also, the limits of the insurance obligation, as well as the dropped for this year 2011, have fallen. The insurance obligation thus out 2011 with a monthly gross income of 4125 euros (annually so 49500). The contribution assessment ceiling is gross 3712,50 euro 2011 just yet.
Thus, not only the private insured be relieved with new health-care reform, but also much earner in the statutory health insurance. Higher employer subsidy and drug discounts In addition, the employer grant with the beginning of the year, with a maximum amount of 271,01 euros, has grown. The uniform base fare euros thus at least 577,44 in the current year. However, this is not only the contribution assessment ceiling and the rate of contribution depends on, but in the future also average additional amounts is. More changes noticeable in the falling prices for medicines. Since the beginning of the year, namely, no longer only legally insured by the regulated forced discounts on drugs, but also privately insured benefit. Thus, not only the height of the contribution payments are likely to reduce the current year, but also the cost of medicines. However this does not include the expected price increases on the pharmaceutical market. Talk: Various drugs will be expensive and the discount is ultimately deducted from the current final price. Tariff tips and hints for the change but is offered some mindfulness and caution at the different rates: not only the tariff rate of statutory health insurance has grown with the turn of the year to 15.5 percent, but also the rate of private health insurance. There but not all private health insurance companies have attracted the tariff and increased, or these provide cheaper, risk – and performance-oriented tariffs under circumstances, a comparison is worth at the moment immensely for example here. As a tip for Exchange students: Private health insurance companies calculate the contribution payments not only according to the monthly income, but also by gender, age, State of health, the profession and the desired performance and scope of insurance. Especially for a private insurance company what your health is worth one and how well you want to be supplied depends on it so.