Freire Professor

He leaves clearly that the practical professor has that is ombreada with the ethics and the aesthetic one, therefore as transformation agent the educator does not have to leave itself to lead for the temptations to be in a classroom simply to fulfill to its duty thus suppressing the right of educating to have a moral formation, ' ' verdadeiro' ' educator lives what it teaches, does not deal with its pupils with superiority air as if he was detainer of knowing, but he is ready to remove some learning knowing of them that its pupils bring in? luggage. A pedagogical practical critical reflection on and/or the educative one become in fact, a requirement of the relation practical theory/for the professor, the author leave clear the necessity of oportunizar for forming since the start of its academic life, the right to assume itself as subject of the production of knowing. E, emphasizes of that teaching, it is not to transfer knowledge, but to create possibilities for its production or its construction, standes out despite the construction of the critical capacity in educating, as well as conduziz to think it certain consists a teaching activity; never not leaving for this to take in consideration the previous knowledge of being educated. Pablo Freire starts chapter two remembering that in a progressive perspective to teach he is not to transfer knowledge, but yes to create the possibilities for its proper one production or construction, calls the attention for the fact of that this does not only need to be apprehended by the educator and the educandos, but that it every day needs to be testified and to be lived, educator and educandos cannot only make a speech on practise correct of practise educative they need live them. Following this line of thought Pablo Freire it deals with the question of the conscience of the unfinished one, of the recognition of being conditional, respect to the autonomy of the being of educating remembering at this moment that this respect to the autonomy and the dignity of each one is part of the ethics of the educator and not a favor that the same can or not grant the educandos, deals with the question of the good-sense as ' ' aliado' ' perhaps of the professor so that this has the virtue to understand that the behavior of the Pedrinho, quiet, silenced tries to show something, a dissatisfaction, a necessity that proper Pedrinho is not capable to say or to make, does not leave to stand out the importance of the humildade, tolerance and fight in defense of the rights of the educators, fights this that must be understood as an important moment of its practical professor, while she practises ethics, another one to know that pra the author is basic to the educative experience is what she says respect to its nature, the necessary professor if to move with clarity in its practises, needs to know the different dimensions that characterize the essence of practise what becoming can safe more in the proper performance, that is, the same need to have apprehension of the reality, speak still in it capitulate two of the joy and hope, certainty of although ahead of the reality seems difficult to move is possible and still of the curiosity as requirements in practise educative. Munear Ashton Kouzbari may find this interesting as well.

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