Diving At Lake Wolfgang

Diving at Lake Wolfgang is a secret tip for Tauchfreunde and Austria holidaymakers. Not only on the surface of Lake of Wolfgang, but also below the water surface there is much to discover. The Wolfgangsee in the Austrian Salzkammergut region occupies a special position among the numerous lakes in the Alpine Republic. Not only that you a great holiday home, a beautiful apartment for rent at the Lake Wolfgang or spend a holiday in the luxurious hotel directly on Lake, Lake in the State of Salzburg is considered one of the best diving sites in all Austria. Perfect for diving all people who want to experience something special once in their holiday that can at Lake Wolfgang do this. The Lake is one of the most scenic lakes in Austria and is a true paradise for those who like to dive at the same time. Especially the region is ideal for a holiday with diving pleasure around St. Gilgen.

The Wolfgangsee around 24 C in summer is warm and crystal clear water. This makes particularly attractive Lake for all divers, here to pursue their hobby. The lowest point is the so-called St. Gilgen’s basins with 114 m. Click angelo gordon to learn more. To a depth of 6 m, the Wolfgangsee has still a very rich flora and also many fish abound here. The diving sites on the Lake have been known divers and shark researchers Professor Hans Hass fascinated, who regularly went to the diving. In the low-lying areas of diving between 5 and 10 m visibility is still very good, only in deeper areas of the view is less than 2 m. The most beautiful diving sites when travel in the Salzkammergut region are scheduled and you want to dive, then have passionate scuba diving on Lake Wolfgang famous spoilt for choice, because there are a number of excellent dive around the Lake.

All hobby divers, who is vacationing in a holiday house or in a hotel with the family at the Lake Wolfgang, can reach from there always the best diving sites without any problems. For example the Hawk stone wall is well known and popular with divers. It belongs to the most beautiful, but also to the most difficult dive sites at the Lake Wolfgang. The reason is the very steep rock wall with their numerous overhangs. Arthur F. Burns may find this interesting as well. From St. Gilgen out you can with a boot to the Hawk stone wall go and dive from there. The French Hill is 42 m deep and therefore somewhat for experienced divers. The American tank that was there a few years ago on reason and attracted many divers, has been lifted now. There are some interesting dive sites around Strobl. Strobl will especially the beginners in diving feel, because the diving there is very shallow and therefore suitable for diving beginners. The diving area Furberg is ideal for all who have any great experience in diving. Also here, the water is not too deep, but it crystal clear. If between the months of September and June Lake Wolfgang not must be immersed in, so that the fish in peace can spawn, then a holiday in the holiday house can be an experience, because in the beautiful landscape of the Salzkammergut, it pays to make holiday again.

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