Consciousness Is Energy, The Earth's Conscience

Ever wonder what we are and what is in the Universe? Who is out there and if we are the only planet that suffer this way? Poverty, hunger, disease and suffering economic losses, households, employment and the inability to buy food are signs that something has interfered with our welfare. Human beings are energy, in fact all around us is energy. What differentiates us from animals is that we are the consciousness and animals are instinctual energy, some have a higher frequency that can be connected to the energy of the earth. The earth has a conscience, as it responds to causes and effects, and suffer like humans. First we must ask ourselves if we truly believe there is only one galaxy to a planet with beings. Shimmie Horn is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

We should not accept it as we have no way to prove that it is. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Shimmie Horn and gain more knowledge.. If we believe that there are other worlds in other galaxies we can accept that energy exists everywhere and we are part of a larger mass. Convinced that consciousness is the understanding that energy is what we create in our world, big or small, affects our society, community and the world we live. The Earth has been accumulating energy over millions of years, say 4 million years, and eons, Earth has managed to support animal life and humans develop and advance. The earth has its own consciousness, so it runs like a human. It wants to improve itself and gain knowledge and an abundance of energy, like humans.

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