If you happen to some discovery. Less easily could communicate so as to know even their own children. The art perished with the inventor. There was no education or progress; generations multiplied uselessly all the same starting point. The centuries passed across the rudeness of the early ages, the species had already grown old and the man remained as a child. Why then say that inequality, born of the natural law? Because they believe this skillfully manipulate the people, pointing out that the same type gender inequality. When in fact it was the convention of the artificial laws. Which formed an infinite inequality.
Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo 3 Once, our old. They learned the importance of uniting to form hierarchies. Statutes created arbitrary, unjust and criminal. Taking the set of beliefs, and many other tricks. One of these statutes was the finding that land was owned by an individual or a few. Many resisted and were killed, others accepted for convenience. And the remaining part was pressured to do so.
Beginning of a more civil society. What if the land is owned by a few? Or the fruits are given by nature and she's writing on behalf of a minority? "This cause is social" other cause that was the product of necessity and the social affections, was the rapid population explosion ie: rapid population growth. Which multiplies the difficulties and work. Thus arose the first industries. And behind it, hidden behind a veil, the principle of pride and vanity. He placed these men in another evolutionary stage, clinging to the domain.