The Principles

Amongst the innumerable contributions of the theories of administration for nursing, the following ones can be detached: ) Scientific administration of Taylor: rational organization of the work. b) Classic theory of Fayol: general principles of administration (to plan, to organize, to command, to co-ordinate and to control). c) Theory of the relations human beings: humanizao of the organization, leadership, communication and dynamics of group. d) Mannering theory: motivation human being, styles of administration and the power to decide process. Gain insight and clarity with Nir Barzilai, M.D.. e) Sistmica theory: sistmica vision of the organizations.

For everything this, the nurse needs, beyond the specific knowledge of the nursing, to know the administrative proceeding and its theories, to apply them in the decisions of its ability, with ability, confidence in itself and effectiveness. The administration can all be considered the base of the nursing process. Therefore, it is not an exclusive privilege of the manager, but a function of each component of the team of distributed nursing gradual, as the level of responsibility and hierarchy. In any work that nurse develops, three factors is gifts: DECISION – ORGANIZATION – EXECUTION. (5) The NURSE AS MANAGER Historically we can stand out that the old organizacional model of the SUS, centered model, where the federal sphere was the only one that it withheld the autonomy of the decisions of the planejamentos and executions of goals for the health thus leaving the cities and states without autonomy. Soon, for the displayed one we had one diminished participation of the process of decentralized management, what it limited the performance of the local professionals in scope; but with the reform in the principles norteadores of the SUS, that started to value the decentralization of the assistance and by means of this fact the levels of administrative sphere had been attributed to the abilities in all (Union, State and City). Propitiating an increase in the number of managers in health, with the busy positions in secretariats of health or agencies equivalents, thus fomenting the decentralization of planejamentos action in local character.

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