Styrofoam Equipment

To date, the foam is about 18% of the construction market of insulation materials (TIM), which suggests that its leading position in the market tim. According to its characteristics it is not much inferior to the main competitors: extruded polystyrene foam and basaltic mineral insulation. But an important indicator is the cost, and here the foam will handicap any tim, which is especially important during a crisis. Manufacturing Styrofoam – is a complex process, observing that you can get the final product – a quality foam, which conforms to all requirements and standards. To date, manufacturers offering production equipment (foam), polystyrene about 15, and each insists that its equipment the best and only with it you can achieve the goals and results. Learn more at this site: Estee Lauder. The question is how to make the right choice and not err? Try to understand together. All producers in the Russian market can be divided by the price policy into three classes: Premium grade.

Business class. Economy class. Premium class. This includes Equipment manufacturers imported German, Polish, Italian some Chinese, the value of the data sets range from 6-40 million rubles. Benefits include high technology equipment, quality performance, greater productivity, consistent quality of finished products. But there are downsides, first, of course cost, and secondly, the imports are generally not included steam and Steam storage device, as they do not Russified, which will require additional investment in their purchase. Great performance on the one hand it is a plus, but on the other hand, we take the average of the regional center with a population of 0,5-1,0 million., Consumption of insulation, in particular the foam will be about 5-7 tys.m3/mesyats., and the productivity of the average import complex of about 10 tys.m3/mesyats.

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