Thus, to the measure that ripens, they can assist in the identification of measures of prevention and control of the ambient factors of risk that can cause to illnesses or other damages to the health. Barroso comments: … the territorializao of the educative politics, the autonomy of the schools and a bigger participation of the local community destine to create it conditions for the mobilization of the different social actors in the direction to undertake a class action of support to the development of an education based on the principles of social solidarity, the equality of chances and the national cohesion. (BARROSO, 1996, 16). Returning to the story, it was looked initially, through previous quarrels with the inhabitants of the community, to elaborate the Project presented in the School, with approach first only in the problems sensible and pointed by them and not in the problems that were perceived by the health professionals. As already it was related, the chosen population-target to work the ambient questions had been the young in virtue of, for tenra age, some not yet to have incorporated preconceptions, and also mainly, already will possess capacity enough to reflect, to add new ideas and to produce changes.
The following affirmation of the Health department was taken in consideration: the preparation of human resources in health implies in intense interface with the education politics, configuring the integration enters the sectors of health and education as nuclear principle of the politics of preparation of human resources for the health. (BRAZIL, 1994) However, although the activities carried through in the School, the adhesion of the young to the Project was on this side of the expectations. Some pupils if had only inscribed in contrast of what he expected, therefore for the majority of the young, the presented justification were of that the project would be only plus one ' ' thing to keep them imprisoned and compromissados' '.