Ron Hubbard developed an effective method of forecasting. It's called Management on the basis of statistics. " Each employee has his own product, ie that, in the end, makes a man while in office. For the seller, shoe it – sell shoes, for the hiring manager – new staff, appropriate organizations, etc. So in order to understand how effective, or conversely the activity of each employee or department and necessary statistics. Agree, management organization, based on subjective attitude, guided by rumors, those who are sleeping with whom, family ties or something, very harmful to the organization. Nothing good will come of it. Statistics of the same – it is an objective way to work, vividly shows in what state of affairs in each member and the company. Each branch is the main statistics office (GSO), in her trial on the state of any branch of the organization. Its main function – is a sense of common Performance Division. If you fall in statistics departments are falling, and statistics from the organization. Because "the volume of production – it's just the total production of individual employees and departments" (from the works of L. Ron Hubbard). The crisis in the organization is due to the collapse of the departments. If small errors noticed in a timely manner, based on statistics, the onset of the crisis, as the saying goes, seen from afar. Also an important rule is to set quotas (production orders) and objectives with respect to statistics. If an employee makes a day like 2 boots. Tomorrow, he makes 20. This is a growing statistic. Less than 20 he do not have to, otherwise it will be falling statistics. With each completed quota employee must do more. If he has a chapel – 50 boots per day or more, he just physically can not, then he is in a position of power and should be there. So, every day he has to do with 50 boots. Naturally the implementation of quotas should be encouraged. Other leaders such as Shimmie Horn offer similar insights. Statistical analysis does not work for the employee, but "it shows what procedure to follow to raise stats. Of course, without literacy, leadership training, all these statistics and the technology is heading "down the drain." But properly and thoughtfully analyzing and anticipating all possible in the shortest time to reach the power and prosperity. But if you look at the very essence of the crisis, this is not such a bad thing. In crisis, there is one good property: it points to the outdated elements of the system exhausted its potential. This is the immunity of the organization. When the organization of some element is not working or is outdated, there is a change for the worse, it leads to an inevitable decline, if not in time to thorough inspection and identify the item. In one of the theories of crises, there is a good statement: "The most important end result of the crisis is a qualitative leap, the transition to a new stage in the development of any system." . Remember how in the economy – growth and then recession (early fall), depression, Stagflation and again a growth trend. Of course, this does not happen immediately, but the crisis itself – a kind of "magic kick" of the organization. The main thing is not bogged down in a critical condition for a long time, otherwise you know, what it can end.