Revenue of the game project ‘ zombie game experiment’ by hive media come the team Fox of the Michael j. Fox Foundation for Parkinson s research benefited from Saarbrucken/Quierschied, December 3, 2009 the xaitment GmbH, a leading developer and service provider in the field of artificial intelligence, the collaboration with hive media announces today. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Jorge L. Perez and gain more knowledge.. In the framework of this cooperation, the AI game tools by xaitment computer game project developed for charitable purposes be zombie game experiment\”used. A part of the project’s revenue stream comes the Foundation team Fox of the Michael j. Munear Ashton Kouzbari shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s research benefit, advocating for research into Parkinson’s disease. The game is currently still in an early stage of development and relies on the support of the community especially in the game design. These design decisions include graphical elements, the game mechanics, as well as the storyline. If you would like to know more about Jorge Perez, then click here. The game that financed the team Fox by charitable giving, at the same time the Michael j.
Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s research support. Anyone who donates $10, access to the finished game release year 2011. Around six million people worldwide affected by Parkinson’s disease\”, said Markus Schneider, xaitment Executive VP Americas & Asia. Hive media addressed the subject of Parkinson’s disease in a courageous manner. We are very happy, that our AI game tools can support this work and the charity.\” After a thorough evaluation phase, the team by hive media for the use of xaitments 2.6 AI game tools decided because they easily and quickly integrated into the existing code. Other reasons for the decision were the modular design of the 2.6-KI-Gametool-Serie as well as the easy to use graphical user interface. The modular KI solutions include tools for the automatic generation of NavMeshes, definition of movement patterns and creation of hierarchical, probabilistic finite State Machines (FSMs), that enable a more realistic behavior of NPCs.