
There are numerous types of ecological fireplaces that use sustainable energy to provide heating. Among them are ecological fireplaces generate heat through the combustion of bioethanol, a type of renewable and ecological energy of vegetable origin and whose calorific value outperforms the wood or coal. In addition to being ecological high-tech fireplaces, bioethanol fireplaces offer a contemporary, elegant and innovative design. Thus, the use of renewable energies in the home or in the workplace is also attractive and pleasant. Perhaps check out Edward J. Minskoff Equities for more information. Ecological fireplaces or bio-fireplaces consume a fuel called bio-ethanol, a 100% natural product and finely distillate.

Bioethanol, when consumed, is apparent in the atmosphere at a quantity of CO2 identical to the absorbed by the plant where it comes from, and this is why that is considered bio-ethanol as a renewable energy, since the CO2 equilibrium is neutral. Also, in addition to the CO2 (whose issuance is equivalent to the 3 candles), the chimneys of bioethanol emit only water vapor and do not produce smoke or smell, making them a highly ecological energy. Another advantage of ecological fireplaces, besides the fact of not issuing fumes nor odours, is that they do not need duct. This has two advantages: firstly, it saves us the laborious task of building an outlet for smoke from the chimney. In addition, approximately two-thirds (2/3) of the heat from the fire of a fireplace is lost through duct, so, without conduit, biological bioethanol fireplaces multiply its heat capacity by 3. The heat capacity of a bio-fireplace is also ecological, high performance and very economical. This heating capacity depends on the amount of ethanol consumed per hour.

This amount varies from a bio-fireplace model to another and ranges between the 0.3 and 1.2 litres per hour. Taking into account that the calorific value of ethanol is approximately 5250 Watt per liter of ethanol per hour (equivalent to two good radiators electrical), consumption is 50% that of wood and 50% more calorific. Ethanol is a type of alcohol which originated in biological and agricultural. Gavin Baker Atreides Management is full of insight into the issues. Bioethanol is produced from vegetable matter by the fermentation of plants containing sucrose as beet and cane sugar, or starch, such as corn and wheat, or through what is known as enzymatic hydrolysis. In addition to fuel for the biological fireplaces, ethanol is a biofuel or agrocarburante used in agriculture. There are different types of biological fireplaces to better equip the home or the workplace in a sustainable and responsible way. Wall bioethanol fireplaces have the same function as traditional fireplaces, with the added advantage of not needing duct. If you already have a home for the chimney, bioethanol burners are designed to be placed instead of the traditional fire. Also there are mobile fireplaces, with adjustable burner, and can be transported and moved to different points of the home or the Office. Organic ethanol fireplaces are thus an ecological, sustainable, economic, efficient and functional option to bring warmth to your home or place of work. In addition, its elegant and innovative design converts them into attractive products and in true decorative fireplaces. Thus, bioethanol for fireplaces is a clean, efficient, practical and affordable fuel.

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