National Education

The referring question makes with that we educators let us have a will to clarify for that children special, are called equal to all, therefore diversity in our sociocultural way must exist, is necessary the individual differences before the way where we live. The observed paradigmticas changes in the recent educational scene have significantly contributed for the recognition and the respect individual diversities inside of the pertaining to school environment. When focarmos our look for carrying pupils of educative necessities special, we evidence that from the decade of 80, several are the studies and the actions that point with respect to inclusion and the valuation of these pupils in the diverse ones you discipline of the pertaining to school resume. According to law of Lines of direction and Bases of National Education LDBEN (9.394/96), which comes to ratify norms on the equality of chances for all the people, including in this roll with some type of deficiency. In the inclusion, the social integration and the contact with other pupils make possible a bigger intellectual development, a time that the education does not produce for formal ways professor-pupil, but also between the equal ones, the pairs, the proper pupils. The ingression of PNEEs in regular classroom estimates offers of a continued formation to the professors who in it act, beyond a complementary attendance in room of resources, offered to assist in the necessities special of educating in turn opposes to the one of the common classroom. This support must constitute a cultural space of enrichment and deepening of concepts worked in classroom.

Knowing that nor all PNEEs (carrying of Educative necessities Special). It presents conditions of frequentar the regular system of education. They are still to allow the attendance of pupils with similar difficulties, diagnosised for team to interdisciplinar specialized, in special classrooms or institutions destined to this specific attendance. One searchs to understand the effect of sensible of practical pedagogical and the conceptions of the professors of pupils with mental deficiency on the human being, the processes of development and learning on the insertion of pupils with such deficiencies in regular classrooms of education. .

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