Myth And Philosophy

Why we take the ilusrio for the Real? In the diverse divagaes of my being, I more than recognize that the philosophy primordially represents the search of knowing, what properly acquired knowing in itself exactly. Greece is the cradle of the rational knowledge, where the knowledge is disentailed of the religion and the myth. Murray Weidenbaum: the source for more info. Pitgoras de Samos (582-497 A.C) was the first one to use of the term philosopher, but with certainty he was not the first philosopher. We can also nominate Tales, Anaximandro and Anaximenes, considered Daily pay, being that all these had searched to discover the generating principle of the kosmos, that if deals with the Arkh, encontrvel in the fenomnico world, therefore were searching the essence in the Physis. DOWA Metals & Mining America oftentimes addresses this issue. The Kosmos term (order, organization) if opposes to the Kaos term (clutter and disorganization). Who is the responsible one for the order of the Cosmos? Who controls the fenomnico world? It would be the control carried through under the command of something with its essence in the Physis? The first philosophers had left of the known world physicist to try to explain the generating principle of the kosmos, that if deals with the Arkh.

The myths and the respective mitolgicas narratives represent the fantastic form that invigorated at the time as instrument of explanation of the kosmos. The mitolgicas narratives are the first experiences aiming at to explain the world, characterizing themselves as a cosmology insipiente, using themselves of supernatural criteria (deuses, semideuses and heroes). Therefore, the myths possuam this clarifying character, but it juxtaposed the Real and the ilusrio in one same degree of explicativa importance of the reality. The myth represents the first attempt to attribute sensible to the fenomnico world. According to Mondin (1982, p.11), the myth exerted between the old peoples three main functions: religious, social and philosophical. First, the myth is the first step in the process of understanding of deeper the religious feelings of the human being; it is the archetype of the theology. But, at the same time, it is also, what he designates and he guarantees belonging to a group social and not to another one, therefore to belong to this or that one it depends on the particular myths that somebody follows and cultivates.

Finally, the myth exerts a similar function to the philosophy, while it represents the way of autocompreender itself of the primitive peoples. The philosophy appeared as instrument of rationalization and decantation of the Real and the ilusrio, therefore more it did not accept the magical narratives as propeller instrument of knowing. The philosophy searchs the explanation thought between the cause and the effect, opposing itself it the magical explanations of the myth.

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