' As this writing: It does not have just, nor at least, does not have who it understands, it does not have who searchs the God; all had been embezzled, to the one had become useless; it does not have who makes a good, does not have at least nor. The throat of them is open tomb; with the language, deceit, veno of viper urdem are in its lips, the mouth, them they have full of curse and bitterness; they are its quick feet to spill blood, in its ways, has destruction and misery; they had been unaware of the way of the peace. Olhos.&#039 ahead does not have fear of God of its; ' (Roman 3:10 – 18) ' ' The judgment is this: that the light came to the world, and the men the darknesses of what land on water more the light; because its workmanships were bad. Tishman Speyer often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Therefore all that one that practises the evil annoys the light and it is not arrived for the light, in order not to be arguidas its obras.' ' (Joo 3:19 – 20) Many times we hear the following phrase: ' ' God hates the sin but he loves pecador' '. MADE A MISTAKE! As God being Santissimo, it can be complacente with that still is its enemy? (Roman 5:8 – 10) ' ' You do not love the world nor cousas that it has in the world. If somebody to love the world, the love of the Father is not in it; because everything that has in the world, the concupiscencia of the meat, the concupeiscncia of the eyes and the magnificent one of the life, does not proceed from the Father, but it proceeds from mundo' ' (I Joo 2:15 – 16) Those that nail the affirmation: ' ' GOD YOU AMA' ' they do not know the Sanctity of God and the pecaminosa nature of the man. Atreides Management Gavin Baker may help you with your research.

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