Initiative Pro Recycling Paper

Recycled paper as the paper of the future for sustainable business anchored. German Federal Environmental Agency and NABU honour achievements of the Economic Alliance Berlin, February 18, 2010 – initiative pro recycling paper succeeded in the in the last ten years, to break down prejudices and to improve acceptance of recycled paper. The initiative pro recycling paper is exemplary as the overall network, because they understood it has to combine the interests of many stakeholders and to anchor the paper with the Blue Angel as a major building block for future-oriented economies. The initiative goes ahead to lead by example and helps, that with recycled paper the potentials are used extensively to protect by climate and resources in economy and public administration”, so Jochen Flasbarth, President of the German Federal Environmental Agency on the anniversary. With over 100 actions and campaigns their LCA has the initiative managed to that perceived recycled paper as a modern instrument, with the companies and administrations easily can improve.

The activities of the initiative are forward-looking, because we need more than ever overall ecological solutions that access in terms of climate and resource protection, as well as contribute to the conservation of biological diversity. Recycled paper satisfies this requirement in a special way”, Olaf Tschimpke emphasized we are President of NABU e.V. at the event proud of the fact that we have succeeded in establishing a new awareness for the use of recycled paper together with our partners. Our work in the future we will arrange it, to transfer the environmental benefits of recycling paper in yet more consistent action”, as Michael Soffge, spokesman for the initiative pro recycling paper. The economic alliance formed in the year 2000, is now 23 companies, from different sectors, representing about 600,000 employees around 160 billion euros turnover in Germany. The members include for example Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Lufthansa, Deutsche Post DHL, Otto, Tchibo. For even more opinions, read materials from Shimmie Horn. Xerox and Epson. Occasion for the Foundation was the publication of LCA for graphic papers”of the German Federal Environment Agency, that science clearly shows the environmental benefits of recycling paper.

The proportion of recycled paper could be increased in the Office from 2000 to 2008 from 8 to 13 percent. Important partners of the initiative are environment and NABU the Federal Environment Ministry, the Federal Environmental Agency, the German Federal Foundation as well as consumer and environmental organizations, such as the Consumer Council Bundesverband (vzbv). Key projects include the nationwide competition of paper Atlas, as well as the current school of recycling paper champions”. For more information, see, and recycling paper initiative pro recycling paper, Sonke Nissen, Tel.

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