It Is important that the worker of health, mainly the nurse, apt and is enabled to ahead take care of to the clientele in view of its problems and necessities in the field of the health, adjusting itself it the requirements of the market of work of some technologies in health, as much light how much the hard ones. In this way, the performance of the nurse in the basic attention is distinguished here as being an enterprising professional in the context of public health, being this most qualified to play a position of it commands/recognized leadership for the other professionals and the proper academic formation. With this, the necessary nurse could itself be concluded that to have knowledge regarding the administration to be a good manager, therefore the union of the theory (knowledge) with practical the day to day one is essential. Therefore, the controlling nurses of UBS establish an effective relation between the object and the purpose of its process of work, that is, the managemental actions are directed to the attendance of the necessities of health of the clientele..