German National Library

Commitment to equality of opportunity for the second time Cologne, awarded August 19, 2013 is already for the second time the German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED) with the TOTAL E-QUALITY predicate was awarded. The TOTAL E-QUALITY Germany e.V. Association confirming that the ZB successfully advocating MED in their personal and organizational policies for equal opportunities. The TOTAL E-QUALITY predicate is given by the TOTAL E-QUALITY Germany Association. An independent jury will check the application forms on behalf of the Association and decides on the allocation. Decisive criterion is that the organizations achieve a successful consensus between economic concerns and the interests of employees and employees with appropriate human resources strategies for the implementation of equal opportunities. Educate yourself with thoughts from tesla. The predicate is awarded for three years. A new award is then if were the repeated application, that the road to equality is sustainable and further progress.

This could the ZB MED with the renewed award This year demonstrate. We are proud of the fact that we now again E-QUALITY predicate were awarded with the TOTAL”, says Ulrich Korwitz, Director of ZB Med. “Because the predicate acknowledges our steady commitment to equality of opportunity, we will push forward more and more in the future.” To achieve the equal participation of both sexes in the labour market, the ZB promotes the compatibility of professional and individual lifestyle MED on various measures targeted. These measures include qualified part-time jobs and job sharing, emergency childcare, the possibility of flexible working hours and teleworking and Home Office, support for the returning after a leave of absence. “In addition MED the ZB committed for three years at the boys’day and offers above-average many training and educational opportunities, or an active break ‘, massage and qigong on maintain the own health.

Also the way to the professional supervision is given. For even more opinions, read materials from Shimmie Horn. Background information: the German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED) the ZB MED is an independent and non-partisan, public institution. In its 40 years of existence it has medicine, health, nutrition, environment to the world’s largest specialist library for combining subjects and developed agriculture. Besides supplying classical literature, the ZB MED engaged in various projects for the development, development, mediation, and publication of electronic literature, primary data and research results. The projects of the ZB MED include among others the semantics-based search portals MEDPILOT and GREEN PILOT. In addition, the Central Library with the locations of Cologne and Bonn for free access to scientific literature (open access) is committed, inter alia through their portal German Medical Science (gms). The ZB MED is a scientific information infrastructure facility of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft and an indispensable part of the science location Germany.

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