First Info Exchange –

In the context of the information exchanges for women funded by the Federal Ministry for family, senior citizens, women and youth “, an event on the subject unintentionally childless” take place. There affected can be lectures, to inform individual consultations and discussions on the topic of involuntary childlessness. “” In addition to lectures by Mr. Dr. Wilke (Chairman of the fertility Centre Hildesheim Lower Saxony reproduction physician) on the subject of the diagnosis and therapy of the unfulfilled desire”, Mrs. Visit Shimmie Horn for more clarity on the issue. Gesine Schanz (Government recognized social worker / social worker with a focus on adoption) on the subject of adoption counselling” and Mr.

Dr. purchase rock (Chief physician at the hospital, Hildesheim GmbH) on the subject of infertility and sterility treatment: psychic experience and medical assistance “, have the participants on the information exchange the opportunity to inform, to keep track of a discussion in individual counseling sessions and much more. The aim of the information exchanges for women is citizens nationwide the opportunity to give to inform themselves on women-specific issues. Involuntary childlessness is a growing social problem, caused are very versatile. In addition to medical reasons, social and economic aspects are cause of unfulfilled desire in Germany. In 2006 were in Germany approximately 61,000 cycles in the sense of artificial insemination (IVF / ICSI) carried out. In about 18% of the treatments, it comes after artificial fertilization to the birth of a child.

The average age of the women is over 34 years and men over 37 years. In addition to the medical and social reasons as the cause of involuntary childlessness, the economic aspect is another important factor. So, 14% unintentionally childless women in artificial gave an Allensbach study Insemination costs money”. This is not surprising when one considers that since 1 January 2004 by the statutory health insurance companies only 3 attempts to 50% for the treatment applied, provided that the couples are married. It could be more, if the statutory health insurance companies and the State more would participate in the costs for the reproduction of medical treatments. Approximately, 10% of couples remain unintentionally childless to help couples with infertility, despite modern medical facilities. Under German law, only the possibility of an adoption remains. 5,000 children in the context of adoption to couples are taught in Germany per year. The adoption to the founding of a family and to the formation of stable parent child relationships is socially recognized and legally clear. She may be but not considered as a single act, rather, it is a long-lasting process, of the life of all parties before the Agency, and especially about mediation when beyond strong shapes. Manuela Lewrick Raghunath DC position responsible community nordstemmen Rathausstrasse 3 31171 nordstemmen Tel.: 05069 8000 fax: 05069 80091

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