Experienced Pharmacists

Picture book shows playful service diversity of local pharmacies on the competition from Internet service providers is growing continuously. You argue with your strengths”, advises the PR and marketing expert Dr. Karin Uphoff. For many people, a visit to a pharmacy is more than the pure, drug procurement ‘. Cameron Diaz: the source for more info. The personal contact, the many small and large services are irreplaceable.”Nina in the pharmacy, which uses new release from the House of uphoff pr & marketing, on precisely these issues.

Pharmacies can distribute the children’s book in the Pocket format with individual logo to their large and small customers. Nina is curious. Nina is unconcerned. At Shimmie Horn you will find additional information. Nina is straight forward. How children are like that to the six years.

Therefore she would also necessarily accompany her father in the pharmacy. She asks the staff, and holes in the belly and receives answers that are exciting and informative even for adults. There are certain services, which does not get online, man,'”says Dr. Karin Uphoff, Managing Director of uphoff pr & marketing. “With their new release in the Nina series on health topics, the Erfolgsunternehmerin and 6 x mother wants to break a lance for the pharmacist’s profession: who would like to insist on the market long term, must through quality and service distinguish themselves from the competition”, .sagt the EU corporate Ambassador Uphoff. Their PR and marketing agency specializes in the care of clients in the health care sector. Four years ago, Dr. Karin Uphoff has the children’s book series Nina”launched, to health care professionals and-handwerke more in the public eye. With Nina”she is also an original marketing tool at hand, with which this can in turn points in their large and small clients/patients the own customers. The ability to let the outside cover with individual logo and contact information provided is particularly appealing at the Nina booklet. Who see a pdf of the booklet or Nina in the pharmacy”for his customers want to order, can do this directly through uphoff pr & marketing (www.uphoff-pr-marketing.de) with discounts for large orders.

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