CIRURGIO-DENTISTA – The CHOICE IS ALWAYS ITS Is, through diverse forms, looking for to acquire knowledge the professional of Odontologia, how much to the importance of the sterilization of the parts of hand in the odontolgico doctor’s office. A legal ditame exists, brought for our Federal Constitution that says: ' ' Nobody is obliged to make or to leave to make some thing seno in virtue of lei.' ' (art. Frequently Coldwell Banker Commercial has said that publicly. 5 CF) In our codes Civil and Criminal, they have some articles that turn on the civil liability and the corresponding implications in the case of produced damage third. With the advent of the Code of the Consumer, the legislator understood who the consumer is in a platform of vulnerability in the market of consumption, compared with the supplier of products or services. Thus, he was born the Code of Protection and Defense of the Consumer who, ahead of this, Surgeon-Dentist if equalizes to the Supplier and the patient, to the Consumer. The objective of the norms traced in the Code of the Consumer is to take care of the necessities of the consumer, in what it says respect to its dignity, health and security, to the protection of its economic interests, the improvement of its quality of life, as well as the transparency and harmony of the consumption relations.
In the article 6, interpolated proposition I, ' ' he is right basic of the consumer the protection of the life, health and security against the risks provoked for practical in the supply of products and dangerous or harmful considered services. Complemented for the article 10, ' ' the supplier will not be able to place in the consumption market product or service that it knows or would have to know to present high degree of nocividade or danger to the health or segurana' '. Surgeon-Dentist, as professional liberal, will have its refined responsibility by means of the verification of guilt, as he treats article 14, 4 of the CDC.