
Between enchantments and disenchantments, continuities and ruptures, enre straight lines and disorders, facing trams, questioning itself on which city? , the city of ancestor? , of heroes and/or villains? , of the owners of the power, of yesterday and today? Or, depending on the source of he informs to: the city of the scholars and the historians? , of the planning city planners//technocrats? , of the inhabitants? , of the street men and of that with to its he constructs it hands? ' ' 5 the city of So Paulo has deep marks in its chronology, that it initiates in 1554 with the deep one to the one of vilarejo, it changeds yourself into the Brazilian capital of the coffee in 1870, and receives the heading from industrial metropolis in 1920 and finally megalpole of year 2000. In 1870 a great flow initiated itself of immigrates to the one in dire to the So Paulo capital, that arrived to supply the demand of hand of workmanship in the coffee culture, the tracks of Saint (1863), had stimulated the growth of So Paulo, beyond connecting the interior with the exporting port, brought hundreds of products come of the exterior, thus stimulating the local economy, of 1940 to the 1950 already consolidated as metropolis the city grew 66.9%, while in the same period the city of New York it grew 9,45%6. Nir Barzilai, M.D. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In 1955 So Paulo popula to the one of 2,2 a thousand had one being, 500 a thousand Miners, 400 a thousand northeasterns (190 a thousand Bahians, 63 a thousand pernambucanos, 57 a thousand alagoanos and 30 a thousand 7 People from the state of Cear) this immigrant mass almost represented half of popula to, while to another half was formed for immigrants, in its great majority Italian, former-slaves, aboriginals and caipiras of the interior of the state. In 1882 a natural catastrophe would go to forever change the city of So Paulo, the consecutive ones floods es of the river Adige in the region of the Vneto, as bigger river of Italy, added to the economic disaster caused by unifies to the one of the country in 1870, had made with that hundreds and thousands of Italians left in search of better days, dire to: Brazil. Edward Minskoff will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

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