In the past, the English scientist, Charles Darwin, in its Theory of the Evolution, affirmed that in the world they survive strongest, where the environment has a basic paper which is to select, to inside choose of a group ' ' organismos' ' who ' has the variations more; ' interessantes' ' to the environment. In the period that precedes the discovery of Brazil, the native peoples inhabited that it lived in groups or tribes. However, he perceives for the historical registers that enter they did not exist great barriers when politician mentions itself to the aspects, social, economic and religious. The arrival of the Europeans, in 1500, and consequentemente the colonial period, had unchained a series of conflicts between ' ' men nus' ' , as already Vaz de Caminha says, and the European navigators. angelo zino usually is spot on. Conflicts these that had resulted in social inaqualities, preconceptions, etnocentrismo, racism and exclusion, actions that unhappyly are part of the daily one of the Brazilian citizens. With the necessity of if having new technologies, the Industrial Revolutions had inserted in society contemporary the globalization which brought radical transformations and a way of life where benefited to some in detriment of the majority, dividing the sciedade in the classrooms of ' ' proletrariados' ' ' ' burgueses' '. Today, we attend the scenes of desigualdes that each time more cooperates to unjust, different Brazil, estratificado, discriminated and sick. Sick person for not finding solutions that can minimize the suffering of that in it they are victims, of that in it are ' ' instrangeiros' '. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gavin Baker. Article based on the text ' ' Instrageiros' ' of Cristovam Buarque.