Internet Children

In many countries there is school of no parents, and there are if them, they are very few. I looked for one in my country and I did not find, I looked for information in Internet and always speak of the same but they do not analyze the individual needs of the children by means of its personality. At Related Group you will find additional information. You know where to look for a manual for parents? If, there same in its personality. A manual does not exist in order to raise to a son, the manual is they themselves. If we read the manual that the children have built-in them, I talk about its personality or temperament, we would know like handling them and raising them. The personality or temperament is, and so the human being is born. It determines the genetics to it. There are very sociable, extroverted and conversadoras people; there are authoritarian, little sensible people and leaders; there are timid, shut up and perfectionist people; and there are people demotivated, with little physical energy and following.

That is the manual that you must discover in your son, because it will indicate to you like treating it, since each personality has its own emotional needs, virtues, weaknesses, desires and sensitivity. All we know that the children are not all equals and the way in we did not treat which them either he must be equal. It is necessary that in a school of parents east subject treats. A social assistant and educator that worked in a home with orphaned children, did not obtain that the children solved their problems, did not manage to integrate them and the most timid children and with a low self-esteem, were being crushed by the violent and extroverted children. He continues reading here original Author and source of the article

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