Adornment Education

for the School of Frankfurt that was composed, mainly for the philosophers, Theodor Adornment, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Herbert Mercuse, Erich Fromm Jurgen Habermas, but the ones that had really influenced it, of this school, had been Adornment, Horkheimer, Benjamim and Habermas. Displayed the names, we will now go to show its main characteristics. Scrates (469-399 B.C.) entirely dedicated its life to the meditation and philosophical education. He was the man of the interrogations, that one that never was left to enclausurar in no system. The main process of it consistiaem to interrogate. Objective Oseu was to generate the power to think.

Its white age to form espritos capable to take off conclusions correct, to formulate the truth by themselves, instead of giving elaborated conclusions to them already. Where, in the activity to learn one he disciplines any, the professor nothing more can make that to guide and to clarify doubts. Scrates (469-399 B.C.), ' ' only one good exists, knowing, and only one badly, ignorncia' '. Scrates reformulated the philosophy Greek, making with that the knowledge search, before centered in the study of the nature, started to occupy of the man and its actions. The freedom of its speeches in square public, the obscure feio of its character, its critical, ironic attitude and the consequent education for given it, had created general dissatisfaction, personal popular hostility and inimizades.

It appeared Scrates as head of an intellectual aristocracy. Scrates (469-399 B.C.), ' ' that one to who the word not to educate, also the wood not educar' '. In the end of the life, a danger for the society was considered and finished accused and convicted to the death. In the workmanships of Plato (427-347 B.C.) a trend is seen pedagogical innovative, therefore it did not think about a model of retrograde education or estagnado, but yes in an advanced and involving education.

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