Spanish Language

The Castilian according to the common Paraguayan is almost one annoyance, for that reason usually it says " Katellano is ytaku ndahi" ari Che jurpe". In the experience of life of the Paraguayan man, the Guarani always was the helpfulest friend in the difficult and desperate cases; he was always next, most shared in common and the one of easier and spontaneous use. The Castilian infiltrated with great difficulty, first, through the educative pressure (Spanish, church and institutions) and more ahead by means of massive means of communication, the education and the structuring of the State in Castilian. If we want that the Castilian comprises of our being, we must obtain that he learns it to the Paraguayan turns and it into its tool of first necessity. In fact, the school teaches in Castilian, thinking that the children speak Castilian. Pitifully, it is not thus. The Paraguayan children, in their great majority, do not speak Castilian when entering the school, because they come from Guaranihablantes homes.

For this reason, he is urgent – if we want to be bilingual that we teach to our children to speak Castilian. We do not blame more to speak Guarani to them. They speak Guarani and we agree that to speak Guarani he is not bad. They are not the guilty of which nobody has taught the Castilian to them. The Guarani does not have candle in that burial either.

That it is clear, the problem is not with the Guarani, the problem is with the Castilian. To it we must add that in our country the Race of Spanish Language does not exist and we must also show that the educational ones learn bad the Castilian and they teach therefore it bad. Then, we do not request guayabos to the coconut palm. More than ever, at present, in Paraguay, when people " debe" to speak Castilian, happens through a surprising and perhaps incredible experience, since to that effect first it must think about Guarani and &quot soon; hablar" in Castilian; that is to say, to speak a Castilian constructed in the molds of the Guarani.

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