And 99.9% of men in Russia who are aware of this, Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich. But 90% of Europeans, among them a lot of pretty well-educated, they do not know. Think it is a popular brand of vodka. Do not believe me? Ask your friends by correspondence on the Internet. Do they know who the AS Pushkin? And make sure I’m right.
No, Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky – know know Nabokov and Nureyev, Anna Palov and Chaliapin, but Pushkin – why some do not. In justification of European men want, however, say that they know much of what we know. And know how much. But women purposefully looking for his ideal. For example, I know one very nice woman who did not want to live with no less enjoyable in all respects, a Frenchman, just because … that he had not read Jules Verne.
Very serious approach to choosing a husband. But, dear women, do not forget that all the criteria for the qualities that you look for in your chosen one that you created in accordance with your views on how it should be, how it should behave, rather than According to real life in a country where your partner. And this country, whether it be Germany, England or Spain, lives by its own laws as written and unwritten, for thousands of years. And change your way of life, just because arrived in this country are people who used to live in a different way, will not. Well, now, would not it! Both men live in this country will not change, they will remain the same as were what is and so will most likely always, if Only someone of you can not make a “cultural revolution”. What would happen, of course, not bad, but not likely. This means that much of what, with what you have to face, we must understand and accept, to learn how to respond, or … … abandon the idea to look for a husband abroad. Concentrate on finding a partner at home, do not spend hurl their forces, money and most importantly – time.