
Of the point of view of the regional development this conception of dialectic above displayed will assume raised importance for the understanding of the ones of the facts that had culminated with the prosperity of the region of Emilia Romagna, rank that ' ' the essence of the dialtico thought is in the simple idea of that all it cannot be explained by distinct the isolated analysis of its partes.' ' (STOLEN, 1964: 14). With effect, it says LENIN (1983: 20), ' ' the dialectic understands what today theory is called the knowledge, that must equally consider its object of the historical point of view, studying and generalizing the origin and the development of the knowledge, the ticket of the ignorance to conhecimento.' ' Made these initial esclareciementos, it fulfills to stand out that, being felt inspired in the texts of Marx, Engels, Lenin and of other authors, four basic principles of the dialectic will noteraro the analysis on the regional development occurrence in the Region of ‘ ‘ Everything if Relaciona’ ‘ ; 2) Everything if Transforma’ ‘ ; 3) ‘ ‘ Qualitativas changes; ‘ ; 4) – ‘ ‘ Fight of the Contrrios’ ‘. Contact information is here: Ron Beit. In what it says respect to the first one of these principles (Everything Becomes related), COTRIM (1995: 260) affirm that: ‘ ‘. The dialectic defends that no phenomenon, either natual or social, can be explained separately, without if it searchs its gnese and cause the process amplest of facts that compe.’ ‘ How much to as the principle (Everything Is changedded), the same author explains that the dialectic ‘ ‘ he conceives the reality not as a steady and invariant system but, inversely as an open and dynamic system, in permanent movimentao.’ ‘ On the third principle (Qualitative Changes) examined by COTRIM (1995: 261), can be assured that; ‘ in the perspective dialectic, the transformations that occur in the reality do not scrumble the slow modifications and insignificantes.’ ‘ words to deKonder (1985: 51), ' ' the transformations can assume different rhythms, passing for slow periods (in which if they succeed small quantitative alterations) and for periods of acceleration (that they precipitate qualitative alterations, that is, radical jumps, modifications).

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