Diseases And Education

The President of Fecode (Colombian Federation of educators), Senen child, ensured that this proposal aims to unify the labour regimes governing the education sector in Colombia, which applies for teachers linked to the Magisterium prior to 2002 and another for teachers who were named after this date. According to the Union leader, 2277 Decree, i.e. the labour standard that governs the old teachers, should be put in discussion and in coherence with the 1991 Constitution, because it was issued under the Constitution of 1886 in 1979 in a different to the current constitutional and legal framework. Child added that the Decree 1278, which governed for teachers linked in recent years, should be discussed because it is a rule that desprofesionaliza the teaching career and hits the quality of education by not requiring as requirement training and pedagogical knowledge of who will exercise the Magisterium. For its part, the general Secretary of the educational Association of Medellin, Victor Higuita, said: paradoxically, the proposal of teaching status is closely related to government regulations that currently are injuring the teaching and create conditions to facilitate the privatization of education, you would need to reform the Constitution against the topic of education to prevent that you turn into a commodity. Added to this is the position of the doctor in multicultural education Raul Rojas, who pointed out that some of the problems of the current system are related to the difficulty that exists from a ladder to another, the interference that local authorities in educational management have to assign public offices in various regions and that that provision does not adhere to the national reality and must be resubmitted. Higuita said that the provision on the ascent of the ladder for teachers cannot be subject to a Commission that endorse it because the current conditions of work do not allow, because teachers can not form academically and sustain their families at the same time. To achieve this, it must be the State which finances the training of its teachers, according to the needs required by the country. Finally, Higuita said that given the conditions of the nation is wrong repeal Decree 2277 and the task is to rescue him and reform in the context of a statute that guarantees and claimed the teaching work, eliminate whatever is obsolete and unify it with the 1278 and 2277 to shield public education. Original author and source of the article

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