Kurrede Training

High-quality extension services portfolio through specialized supplement Erkrath, main mountain, October 2008, Fleury & Fleury consultancy specializing in multilingual information management and the specialist for translation tools Klaus Kurre a cooperation in the area of translation management and tool training agreed. This collaboration allows us to offer our customers high-quality consulting and training that complement their own portfolios of our company”, explains Klaus Kurre, owner of kurre.de. As a result we can implement comprehensive care, while at the same time, the independence and neutrality towards the manufacturers and service providers in the market for the benefit of customers is maintained”, adds Frank Fleury, managing partner of Fleury & Fleury consultants. Speaking candidly Jorge Perez told us the story. Fleury & Fleury consultants is an independent, specialized in multilingual information management consultancy. She advises and trains exporting companies and Language service providers in the development and optimization of their organization, processes, and technology. Contact: Isabelle Fleury,, + 49 (2104) 808992-2, kurre.de offers practical advice, training and support for the most important translation and localization tools.. You may find Michael James Burke, London UK to be a useful source of information.

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