You Are What You Think

If we see light a candle as the flame is always upright, as if seeking the heavens, while the candle wax melts and the high level of sailing is shrinking, yet the flame still upright, with the same force with which he began his calling. The wax represents an individual's body which over time is growing weaker, the flame represents the spiritual soul, always with the same force. The wax melts and lower the flame maintains its strength to want to be looking at the sky, as is the human, physical hand pulls to the material, while his spiritual side seeks its essence, the wick could say that is the instinctive soul to be put to work in terms of spiritual and well improved. So we are a spiritual soul in a physical body to interact in a physical world, but our mission and connection to the essence. This spiritual soul invested with a physical body is able to manifest in this physical world, through the soul a vestimentas are: Thought, Word and Action.

The thought is undoubtedly the innermost expression, but the generosity of the other two. Whether we think we can as we can not be right, because the generator is the possibility and reality later. Thinking is something we do constantly, like breathing, but the thought can be channeled and controlled. It is as if there are two radio stations which you can tune in: Radio jai and radio chaos. ork City. In the first we can achieve positive thoughts, connected to our essence.

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