University And Autonomy

When adversity knocks on your door, all friends are asleep throughout University should be respected in its autonomy in managing its plans without any intervention preventing him to meet goals objectives that must be met, as well as inviolability in their buildings where it operates. You know, the principle of university autonomy argues that the University should be autonomous and auto-gobernada, choosing their own Government without interference from political power, and giving their own statutes and programs of study. University autonomy is founded on the need to avoid that the vagaries of political power translate into arbitrary changes of life and the University authorities. An aspect of great import anchor is that university autonomy implies the inviolability of University buildings by the security forces. reminds us. that at the recent Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1998), article 109, enshrines for the first time in the history of Venezuela, with all clarity, recognition of university autonomy and it is defined as a principle and hierarchy that enables alprofesorado, students and graduates of their community to devote himself to the pursuit of knowledge through scientific, humanistic and technological research for the spiritual and material benefit of CNN.

Autonomous universities will be given their standards of Government, operation and efficient management of their heritage under the control and surveillance that established by law for this purpose. Laautonomia University is devoted to plan, organize, develop and upgrade the programs of research, teaching and extension. Establishes the inviolability of the University campus.But, that this analysis be?, just before the emergence of the law of Educacuton Revolucionaria in Venezuela, that despite the signs that the Government makes that autonomous universities will continue dictating its rules and its rules () University autonomy will not be affected by the new law of Education, there are aspects that show otherwise, especially since lpunto’s legal view.

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